The 7 steps to choose the best topic for your #DataScience graduation projectSo, you’ve made the very wise decision of studying Data Science a while back. You have studied a bunch of various difficult topics. And…Oct 13, 2022Oct 13, 2022
Published inTDS ArchiveMLflow: a better way to track your modelsIn a perfect world, you would get clean data that you will feed into a single machine learning model and voila, done. But fortunately…Sep 27, 20211Sep 27, 20211
Your 7 references to master Data ScienceIf you are starting your career in Data Science, chances are you are feeling lost in all of the different resources that you can use. If…May 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Published inTDS Archive5 advanced Scikit-learn features that will transform the way you codeVery few packages have been successful in achieving what sklearn reached. It is not only that they provide almost all of the commonly used…Sep 2, 20201Sep 2, 20201
Real-life AI: Your guide to defining the requirementsWhat is the difference between academic and commercial Data Science? Academic Data Science is like competing in a Formula 1 race. Your…Aug 22, 2020Aug 22, 2020
Published inThe Startup5 Things I Wish I Knew About Real-Life AIIt was at an incredible startup where I kick-started my industrial career in Data Science 6 years ago. That was my first industrial job…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020